Hay Group Spectrum – A gorgeous flash-based questionaire

Over the past few months, we have been working on a top secret project with some incredibly clever people at The Hay Group, a global management consulting firm. They chose to work with Visual Evolution in order to create an interactive widget to help launch their “next generation HR solution” Hay Group Spectrum.

Working alongside some fantastic creative minds and generally lovely people, we developed a flash-based questionnaire designed to help business leaders calculate how much money their organisations may be wasting due inefficiencies within their workforce. The widget involves some complicated mathematics, combined with beautiful design in order to hopefully create a quick and intuitive, packaged solution. The result is something that looks straightforward on the outside, but this simple exterior hides a very intelligent brain churning away in the background performing some quite complex calculations.

The results of the questionnaire can be sent to the respondent in the form of a nicely designed HTML email.

Click here to view the presentation

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