Not every pitch goes to plan…

When designing and pitching infographics at potential clients, you find that your work isn’t always necessarily the correct flavour or the right fit for a job, but so long as the process of pitching and designing is rewarding, you can always take the positives out of the experience.   You have the chance to meet with some fantastic people, and learn about some fascinating projects and ideas, and you are given the opportunity to try out new ideas and techniques, even if ultimately your efforts prove to be futile!

Sometimes (like now) you are left with a series of vibrant 3-Dimensional blobs which would otherwise be destined to fill up space on the Visual Evolution hard drives!

Taken out of the context of the original pitch, and heavily altered to protect the anonymity of the client,  we accept that these don’t make a great deal of sense.
However if bright colours, silhouettes and 3D pie charts are your thing, then boy are you going to have a fun 39 seconds digesting these!

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