Yoast Google SEO Authoring Guide

In June 2011,Google announced that it was supporting authorship markup, a way to enabling authors to connect their content on the web with their Google+ profiles. This move has benefits, both for content producers and for search engine users. This infographic explains how this might be relevant to you and how you can create authorship markup for on your content on the web.

Google Authorship will help to to provide content writers and authors with greater visibility within search results. It is thought that it may result in improved search engine rankings for producers of original content. It helps to build trust within search results and lets people know your site is reputable. Allows authors, blig writers and contributors to raise their public profile within search results. It provides a new way of attracting followers to your social media profile It will help to authors to protect their IP over works they have created. Websites that do not rely on original material will find it harder to pose as ligitimate, original content producers.

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